Hi! This blog will outline my journey, thoughts, comparisons, rants, raves, and otherwise bloggy like material on my switch from a Windows based PC to an iMac at work.

See The Beginning to get started.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finders Keepers

The jury is still out on finder. Some days it is really working for me and other days I can't seem to find anything. I keep playing with the different views trying to find one that I like but it just seems like something is missing.

It could be that I am really used to using Windows Explore for navigating my files. Folders are always grouped together at the top or bottom.

One of my big compaints is that I cannot type ahead to get to the folder I want. Well ..I can but I cannot open it. So if I have dozens of folders and know that the one I am looking for is 'School' .. I can just type that into the window and it goes to school but then I have to use the mouse to actually open the folder.

In Windows I can just hit enter and keep drilling down. It is very fast. Also. I don't like how names get cutoff so easily. It is kind of a pain .. especially since I sometimes give things long file names.

A few other things. I really miss the thumbnail previews that for photos and music that Windows provides. Windows also has the task bar that allows me to see all my Explorer windows grouped together to quickly find stuff. Figuring out what Finder windows are open and where is a pain.

I don't know. Finder works .. but just seems to missing the extras that Win 7 has ... and that I am used to.

Maybe I am missing some super finder feature somewhere??

Edit: Okay. Got the thumbnail thing figured out. Sweet. It still doesn't seem as smooth as Win 7. I like the order of column, rows ... sometimes the icon interface is kinda crazy. It also drives me nuts that it doesn't auto resize/order.

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