Hi! This blog will outline my journey, thoughts, comparisons, rants, raves, and otherwise bloggy like material on my switch from a Windows based PC to an iMac at work.

See The Beginning to get started.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Turn Left in 500 Feet ...

Let's talk Window Navigation ... 

Okay ... so I am still struggling with window navigation. I totally dig corners, spaces, and expose. It really makes managing lots of apps more convenient. I generally group like items together and can jump between them.

However, I really miss alt-tab functionality. What is up with the not being able to alt-tab to minimized items. What is the minimize anyway?

I've come to the conclusion that it is supposed to work like this ... Open windows are things you are working on now and can alt-tab between quickly. Items that are minimized are intended to come back to and work on and thus not in the alt-tab because it is not a pressing item. Of course I could just hide windows ... which is that like the boss button.. quick hide my blog entry .. lol.

Maximize is another weird area. OSX does not like maximize functions. It really wants you to work in 'Windows' ... see what I did there ... anyway. I prefer to work in windowed spaces so this is not a problem but there are times I want full leverage of my screen. For example, when working in Excel with lots of data ... I want the whole view. Often I have two excel apps open on multiple screens comparing data and they both don't want to maximize. I just drag them to most of the space .. it is an unnecessary pain though.

I miss some of the Win 7 features like throwing things to the top or side. I miss the ability to view thumbnails of minimized items (in a size I read .. that little icon in tray sucks). I miss maximize. I miss shake to minimize ... .... just kidding .. shake is kind of stupid. I miss the Windows Aero ... the Mac Grey is pretty ugly compared to the beauty of Aero.

I also kind of miss being able to resize any window from every side .. but this is also kind of wasted space. I like that the Mac windows are so minimalistic with menus and borders. I always find myself changing settings in every MS Windows app to small icons, no text, smaller ... etc.

Lastly, I use a lot of apps and jump between them often. Sometimes I find the 21.5in screen constraining. I would love to jump to the 27in model.  :)

Oh wait ... forgot about the button in the top right corner. I have found little to no use for this button. It minimizes the toolbars and leaves only the menu bar. That is cool for some things and if I remembered it was there I might use it ... but doubtful. Most interfaces are already pretty minimal.


  1. You think you need a 27in monitor? Might as well just sit in front of a TV all day. Then again, the one I'm looking at right now is 24" ... guess I'm just as bad.

  2. Lol. Yeah. Why not? Sometimes the top to bottom feels cramped .. I think the Mac has a different aspect ration from dell wide screens.

    The left to right is usually fine .. especially with a second monitor.

    At home I alternate between 2 and 3 monitors. 20in, 22in and 19in.
