Hi! This blog will outline my journey, thoughts, comparisons, rants, raves, and otherwise bloggy like material on my switch from a Windows based PC to an iMac at work.

See The Beginning to get started.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Beginning

Hello and welcome to the iSwitch Experience. The goal of this blog is to outline my thoughts and experience of switching from a Windows based PC to an iMac in my daily job. This blog is intended to capture my thoughts until I get tired with it ... at which time I will probably write a conclusion and then just let it live on the web for some indefinite length of time.

So what is the deal? Why a Mac? I act as a liaison between business and IT functions. I write specs/requirements and I also do some coding. I used to be a full time developer and still code in my free time. However, I have since obtained an MBA and now focus on the hybrid of business and technology. 

In recent years there has been a surge of Mac users from internal and external users (30%+). I evaluate and provide a wide range of services that increasingly must be more Mac friendly than they are today. 

Thus we are left with the switchover to an iMac. This allows me to fully engage in the OSX experience as a user. I will still use Windows 7 at home and will therefore be living in a mixed environment. 

Alright. Some other details. I do not like Apple. That is right .. let me repeat. I do not like Apple. I do not like their business models, overpriced/inferior products, closed systems etc... I could go on and on but you get the idea. Despite all this ... I am entering this arrangement with as open a mind as possible and believe that logging my thoughts will assist in providing an honest assessment. This is long term switchover. I do not plan on jumping back to Windows in a week or a month etc... I fully intend to learn, use, engage, and fully understand the OSX experience. 

Keep a lookout for more info to come soon. 



  1. "This is long term switchover." -- I give you six months and you will be throwing that POS out of the window...

  2. LOL ... Maybe six months in this case is long term.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes. I've been a Mac user for 18 months now and don't have any complaints. I don't think you'll hate it as much as you think you will.
